/*--------->copy wrights @ www.wetheprogrammer.blogspot.in,@www.hackersonlineclub.com
@www.codechef.com, @nimbus soft tech
vendora_encryption for passwords
proto type in c++.
other prototypes in c,vb.net,php,and java in more complex format are available not shareable
unless with full publicity written and signed approval
Author : Ameer tataroo Ameer ( Abdulkadir Salihu Tataru )
#include <conio.h>//getch() function
#include <iomanip> //setw() function
#include <iostream>// cout,cin functions required
#include <windows.h>//system("cls") function
#include <iterator> //for iterative reversing and sorting
#include <string>//for string function
#include <algorithm> //for the sort and rev functions
#define Max 10 //define key for encryption
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>//for random character
using namespace std;
void getValue();
class Password
int begining, center , ending;
string s,s1;
int key=Max, recur=0;
void Pass_sort(string pass)
// sorting of the password characters starts here
s = s1= pass;
if(cout<<"\n pass word before sorting "<<setw(15)<<s<<endl){// this will print the password as it's given, without sorting or reversing.
sort(s.begin(), s.end());
cout <<"\n this is what the password will look like after sorting "<<setw(20)<<s<< endl;
//function that holds the hash value
void EncryptPass(string sort_Pass)
//reversing the value till Max time (Max is pre-processor) which i defined in above as global is the key for the encryption
int i=0;
if(cout<<" encrypting the value to be saved with "<<(sizeof(Max)*sizeof(sort_Pass))*8<<" bit "<< endl)
std::reverse_iterator<std::string::iterator> r = sort_Pass.rbegin();
while (i <key) {
r [0]='^';// i am replacing the very first value in the string to ^
r [2] = rand();//random character replaces what ever value is at 2nd position, on console 3rd position
//r [6] = rand();
std::string rev(r, sort_Pass.rend());
func_analys("hashed value");
std::cout << setw(25)<<" hashed value to be saved in db in implementation don't show this\n you can not down this value & run again give,\n the same pass and compare the new hashed value \n:" <<"\n"<< s1 << '\n';
void func_analys(string p)
int i,j,k,a=0;
cout<<"\n\n\n please wait analyzing \n "<<setw(20)<< p;
delay : for (i=0;i<100;i++) //time delay loops 1-3
char c=177;
cout <<c;
goto delay;
int main()
Password p;
string pass, *temp;
char arr[10],password[15] ,ch;int i =0 ,counter=0;
if(cout<<" Password Not More than 10 or less than 3 char. and no space (i.e hackers or hackers_@3) :"<<setw(15))
cin>> pass;
cout<<"\n\n given pass : ";
//swapping the index of the given string before passing it for sorting and encrypting
for (i=0;i<sizeof(pass) ;i++)
arr[i]= pass[i];
pass[i] = pass[i+1];
cout <<"\n Iterator_encrypt " <<i<<setw(20)<<pass;
@www.codechef.com, @nimbus soft tech
vendora_encryption for passwords
proto type in c++.
other prototypes in c,vb.net,php,and java in more complex format are available not shareable
unless with full publicity written and signed approval
Author : Ameer tataroo Ameer ( Abdulkadir Salihu Tataru )
#include <conio.h>//getch() function
#include <iomanip> //setw() function
#include <iostream>// cout,cin functions required
#include <windows.h>//system("cls") function
#include <iterator> //for iterative reversing and sorting
#include <string>//for string function
#include <algorithm> //for the sort and rev functions
#define Max 10 //define key for encryption
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>//for random character
using namespace std;
void getValue();
class Password
int begining, center , ending;
string s,s1;
int key=Max, recur=0;
void Pass_sort(string pass)
// sorting of the password characters starts here
s = s1= pass;
if(cout<<"\n pass word before sorting "<<setw(15)<<s<<endl){// this will print the password as it's given, without sorting or reversing.
sort(s.begin(), s.end());
cout <<"\n this is what the password will look like after sorting "<<setw(20)<<s<< endl;
//function that holds the hash value
void EncryptPass(string sort_Pass)
//reversing the value till Max time (Max is pre-processor) which i defined in above as global is the key for the encryption
int i=0;
if(cout<<" encrypting the value to be saved with "<<(sizeof(Max)*sizeof(sort_Pass))*8<<" bit "<< endl)
std::reverse_iterator<std::string::iterator> r = sort_Pass.rbegin();
while (i <key) {
r [0]='^';// i am replacing the very first value in the string to ^
r [2] = rand();//random character replaces what ever value is at 2nd position, on console 3rd position
//r [6] = rand();
std::string rev(r, sort_Pass.rend());
func_analys("hashed value");
std::cout << setw(25)<<" hashed value to be saved in db in implementation don't show this\n you can not down this value & run again give,\n the same pass and compare the new hashed value \n:" <<"\n"<< s1 << '\n';
void func_analys(string p)
int i,j,k,a=0;
cout<<"\n\n\n please wait analyzing \n "<<setw(20)<< p;
delay : for (i=0;i<100;i++) //time delay loops 1-3
char c=177;
cout <<c;
goto delay;
int main()
Password p;
string pass, *temp;
char arr[10],password[15] ,ch;int i =0 ,counter=0;
if(cout<<" Password Not More than 10 or less than 3 char. and no space (i.e hackers or hackers_@3) :"<<setw(15))
cin>> pass;
cout<<"\n\n given pass : ";
//swapping the index of the given string before passing it for sorting and encrypting
for (i=0;i<sizeof(pass) ;i++)
arr[i]= pass[i];
pass[i] = pass[i+1];
cout <<"\n Iterator_encrypt " <<i<<setw(20)<<pass;